Friday, January 9, 2009

Marathon in High Point?

This may sounds silly, but I'm excited to hear that High Point (N.C.) may host the N.C. Marathon this year.

I thought about participating in the first marathon, held in Greensboro last year, but didn't because it was the weekend after my wedding. So I had other things on my mind. [wink, wink]

Also, my plans to participate in that race, or 5K races last year, were derailed by health problems. So training was missed a few weeks at a time.

I would like to think I'd be able to run a race this year, but don't want to get my hopes up.

So far, I can jog 30 minutes straight, but that's inside on a treadmill at a gym with controlled conditions.

Outside would be a different matter. To compete in a race, I will eventually need to take the training outside where I'd have to learn to pace myself and deal with allergens and other conditions that will affect my lungs. My allergies and asthma have gotten worse the past year and half and I'd have to work hard to learn how to manage those for a race.

As a side note, nonprofit GO FAR held a 5K in High Point last year.


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