Friday, August 26, 2011

Krohn Conservatory, Cincinnati, Ohio

We've visited the Krohn Conservatory before and it's a great place to go, especially if it's not too pleasant outside for outdoor activities. The beautiful Art Deco Krohn building houses exotic and gorgeous plants. Besides my favorite Orchid House, there are rooms dedicated to palms, tropical and desert plants.

For this visit we were there to visit the Butterflies of Brazil exhibit. Each spring, the Krohn features butterflies for a few months. It was really cool walking among hundreds of fluttering butterflies.

One butterfly landed on Chris' arm as soon as we walked into the room.
Lots of kiddies had flat foam pieces they used to soak up water from the room's fountain. They used the soaked foam to attract butterflies.

This girl was a pro! She had more than one butterfly on her foam at any given time.
She even had one of the larger butterflies hanging out on her arm.
Our visit would have been more enjoyable, however, if some parents controlled their kids better. There were a few boys running in between peoples' legs, leaning across and shoving people out of the way in attempts to capture butterflies. One boy constantly invaded my personal space ... even though I was sitting down! He also nearly stepped on many of the butterflies.

Though it was really cool and somewhat fun, my face hurt a lot from clenching my jaws and I had a pounding headache. I left wishing we'd learned about the adults only Happy Hour scheduled for later that day. Though we'd already had dinner plans, I would have loved watching the butterflies while listening to jazz.

It's too bad that a few bad apples ruined the whole bunch. Just to be clear, most of the kids were well-behaved.

Though the room felt like chaos, Chris was able to get some great shots. Here's some more:

Krohn Conservatory is an excellent place to stop if you're ever in or near Cincinnati.


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