Monday, December 5, 2011

The White Squirrel

There are several posts I haven't gotten to share with you over the past several months. I probably won't post all of them, but will most photos and updates from some of my favorite trips over the past year. School has kept me away and very busy.  And, understandingly, my blogs have become a low priority.

Several months ago, we went to visit Chris' family and one of the places we went to visit was Olney, Ill., a place where Chris lived and worked for a couple of years.

One of the sole purposes of going there was to see the famed white squirrels.

We found the squirrels as soon as we drove into a local park.

Chris said the local community college does a squirrel count every year. There were less than 100 the last time Chris heard.

We met a couple from Colorado who also came to see the white squirrels. They said there were a colony of black squirrels in Kansas. We'll have to find our way there sometime to snap some photos of them.


  1. Want to know some history of the squirrels? I added some info here

  2. Great to see you are able to post some again.
    How is school working out?
    Still traveling through Danbury frequently?

